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Let us make movies for you

About Soul Vision

Let us make movies for you
About Soul Vision

Our Story

It all started with a walk in the forest. As I discovered new paths on Vancouver Island with my dogs, the trees spoke to me and gave me ideas. “Soul Vision” they said. “Soul Vision”. I just came back from a Dr. Joe Dispenza weeklong retreat in Cancun post my breast cancer surgery. I was walking as my new self and knew that I had to make a big change in my career. My soul craved a realignment.

And then it all came together.


My Dream

My biggest dream in life has always been to help others see the stories that sit inside of us all. That’s why I studied filmmaking and advertising for my undergraduate and graduate degrees, respectively. I worked as a producer for 7 + years in Los Angeles for an advertising agency whose only client is Apple. I also dabbled in the puzzle of editing and loved solving it. Needless to say, I had major exposure to unbelievable creative minds and truly inspiring work.

Why not put all my skills to good use to edit videos for people that want to change their future? The tree of life famously is quoted as “as above, so below”. Why not help people discover their ‘roots’ so that above they reflect their inner self?

So here I am ready to help you express your soul visually with your Soul Vision video.

Our Story

It all started with a walk in the forest. As I discovered new paths on Vancouver Island with my dogs, the trees spoke to me and gave me ideas. “Soul Vision” they said. “Soul Vision”. I just came back from a Dr. Joe Dispenza weeklong retreat in Cancun post my breast cancer surgery. I was walking as my new self and knew that I had to make a big change in my career. My soul craved a realignment.

And then it all came together.

Our Story

It all started with a walk in the forest. As I discovered new paths on Vancouver Island with my dogs, the trees spoke to me and gave me ideas. “Soul Vision” they said. “Soul Vision”. I just came back from a Dr. Joe Dispenza weeklong retreat in Cancun post my breast cancer surgery. I was walking as my new self and knew that I had to make a big change in my career. My soul craved a realignment.

And then it all came together.

My Dream

My biggest dream in life has always been to help others see the stories that sit inside of us all. That’s why I studied filmmaking and advertising for my undergraduate and graduate degrees, respectively. I worked as a producer for 7 + years in Los Angeles for an advertising agency whose only client is Apple. I also dabbled in the puzzle of editing and loved solving it. Needless to say, I had major exposure to unbelievable creative minds and truly inspiring work.

Why not put all my skills to good use to edit videos for people that want to change their future? The tree of life famously is quoted as “as above, so below”. Why not help people discover their ‘roots’ so that above they reflect their inner self?

So here I am ready to help you express your soul visually with your Soul Vision video.

My Dream

My biggest dream in life has always been to help others see the stories that sit inside of us all. That’s why I studied filmmaking and advertising for my undergraduate and graduate degrees, respectively. I worked as a producer for 7 + years in Los Angeles for an advertising agency whose only client is Apple. I also dabbled in the puzzle of editing and loved solving it. Needless to say, I had major exposure to unbelievable creative minds and truly inspiring work.

Why not put all my skills to good use to edit videos for people that want to change their future? The tree of life famously is quoted as “as above, so below”. Why not help people discover their ‘roots’ so that above they reflect their inner self?

So here I am ready to help you express your soul visually with your Soul Vision video.

Creating your video

Creating your Soul Vision video is a very personalized process. First, I hop on an hour long Zoom call with you to dig into what your soul yearns to experience in relationships, career, health, leisure and spirituality. Then I go to work and find powerful clips that best visually represent you. Finally, I take your desired song and edit each clip according to the beat to make sure your video flows and leaves an impact on you emotionally. Once complete, I send it over to you via Box and make any minor adjustments that you might have.

This video is a tool that helps you get clear on your future and emotionally recondition your body to a new self. It’s a dynamic vision board that helps you bring your future self to life by repeatedly experiencing it. It helps create a long term memory of your future. It reprograms your subconscious mind to overcome old habits, create new lifestyles, change reactions and generate wealth among many others. Possibilities end with your creativity.

Get Started

Then it’s all up to you. I recommend you watch your Soul Vision video before falling asleep and waking up, when melatonin levels are high so that you can reprogram your mind to your future. Remember your future self. The synchronicities will show you your path and perhaps you can hear the trees speak to you.

Creating your video

Creating your Soul Vision video is a very personalized process. First, I hop on an hour long Zoom call with you to dig into what your soul yearns to experience in relationships, career, health, leisure and spirituality. Then I go to work and find powerful clips that best visually represent you. Finally, I take your desired song and edit each clip according to the beat to make sure your video flows and leaves an impact on you emotionally. Once complete, I send it over to you via Box and make any minor adjustments that you might have.

This video is a tool that helps you get clear on your future and emotionally recondition your body to a new self. It’s a dynamic vision board that helps you bring your future self to life by repeatedly experiencing it. It helps create a long term memory of your future. It reprograms your subconscious mind to overcome old habits, create new lifestyles, change reactions and generate wealth among many others. Possibilities end with your creativity.

Get Started

Then it’s all up to you. I recommend you watch your Soul Vision video before falling asleep and waking up, when melatonin levels are high so that you can reprogram your mind to your future. Remember your future self. The synchronicities will show you your path and perhaps you can hear the trees speak to you.